Questions For All Exams ExamPot

English Reading Comprehension

Question: Realised souls have the potential-

English Reading Comprehension

Question: For spiritual wisdom, it is imperative that —

English Reading Comprehension

Question: What do you mean by the phrase "the existential fear of death?

English Fill in the blanks

Question: This child has a ________________ cold.

English Fill in the blanks

Question: This book is ________________ .

English Fill in the blanks

Question: You must work ______________ starve.

English Fill in the blanks

Question: Heat acts ______________ metals.

English Fill in the blanks

Question: You have to pay ______________ your mistakes.

English Fill in the blanks

Question: I have to send _______________ his father.

English Idioms and Phrases

'To pay lip service' means

English One Word Substitution

To favour one's own relatives

English Parts of Speech

Plural of 'Echo' is

English Spotting Errors

We are happy that (A)/the two countries are trying (B)/ to find amicable solution. (C)/No Error (D)

English Antonyms

Antonym of 'Ratify' is

English Synonyms

Synonym of 'Plight' is

English Active/Passive Voice

Open the box

English Direct Indirect Speech

He said to her, “What is your father?”

English Spellings

Spot the mis-spelt word

English Reading Comprehension

Question: How is GST different from old tax system?

English Reading Comprehension

Question: The success of GST lies in-

(A) fine structure of GST

(B) level of tax rates

(C) agreement at the GST council