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English Reading Comprehension

Question: According to the author, the honour of R.K. Laxman is

English Reading Comprehension

Question:What is a subject of heated debate?

English Reading Comprehension

Question: Who was 'Common Man' as used in the passage?

English Fill in the blanks

Question: We all laughed _____________ the affair.

English Fill in the blanks

Question: The Prime Minister of England called _____________ the President of America.

English Fill in the blanks

Question: Meditation is ______________ way to calm your nerves.

English Fill in the blanks

Question: The work was ______________ by the trains.

English Fill in the blanks

Question: He knows French and German _____________ Russian.

English Fill in the blanks

Question: His reputation has been _____________ by his foolish act.

English Parts of Speech

Past participle of 'Lie' is

English Idioms and Phrases

‘By word of mouth' means

English One Word Substitution

One who studies insect life

English Spotting Errors

There is (A)/cups on the table (B)/to be purchased. (C)/No error (D)

English Active/Passive Voice

I am looking for him

English Direct Indirect Speech

He said to me, “What do you want?”

English Antonyms

Antonym of 'Compassionate' is

English Synonyms

Synonym of the word ‘Bleak' is

English Spellings

Spot the mis-spelt word

English Reading Comprehension

Question: The totality can

English Reading Comprehension

Question: What do you mean by the word 'Aphorism' as used in the passage?