English Reading Comprehension
Question: A well organised GST will benifit-
English Reading Comprehension
Question: According to the author, the tax proposal-
English Reading Comprehension
Question: The cause of disagreement at the GST council meeting was
English Fill in the blanks
Question: Light emanates _____________ the sun.
English Fill in the blanks
Question: His son lies _____________ his heart.
English Fill in the blanks
Question: It cannot last _____________ ever.
English Fill in the blanks
Question: He held my hand ____________ I should fall.
English Fill in the blanks
Question: The _____________ chapters are lacking in interest.
English Parts of Speech
Adjective of ‘Tire' is
English Idioms and Phrases
‘Order of the day' means
English One Word Substitution
A place frequented for reasons of pleasure and health.
English Para jumbles
(1) Generally
(P) regarded to
(Q) for underdeveloped
(R) be unsuitable
(S) democracy is
(6) countries
English Active/Passive Voice
Listen to me.
English Spotting Errors
The water (A) / of this river (B) / is too pure. (C)/ No Error (D)
English Direct Indirect Speech
He said, “Don't be foolish."
English Antonyms
Antonym of 'Forerunner' is
English Synonyms
Synonym of 'Deceit' is
English Spellings
Spot the mis-spelt word
English Reading Comprehension
Question: What do you mean by the word Narcissism as used in the passage?
English Reading Comprehension
Question: The cartoons of R.K. Laxman had the power