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English Reading Comprehension

Question-3 : The restriction on free expression is —

English Reading Comprehension

Question-2 : The passage says that 

English Reading Comprehension

Question-1 : In general, freedom of press means

English Spotting Errors

A pair of shoes (a)/were standing (b)/ in the corner. (c)/No error (d)

English Spotting Errors

No sooner did the fisherman Abdul Sattar (a)/ see the bus plunge into the river (b)/ that he immediately rowed his boat to the site and jumped in. (c)/No error (d).

English Spotting Errors

All the members in the council (a)/ began shouting (b)/at each other. (c)/ No error (d).

English Direct Indirect Speech

She said, “How ugly I look in this dress!”

English Direct Indirect Speech

“Do you want balloons?” he said to the child.

English Synonyms


English Synonyms


English Idioms and Phrases

The car in the backyard is proving to be  a white elephant.

English Active/Passive Voice

Teachers might have given their students some concessions.

English Active/Passive Voice

 I have bought a new car.

English One Word Substitution

An official call to appear in a court of law

English Fill in the blanks

It isn’t easy to ……….. Children nowadays.

English Antonyms


English Antonyms


English Spellings

(a) label (b) lebal (c) labal (d) labbel

English Spellings

(a) height (b) hieght (c) highte (d) heite

English Reading Comprehension

A word that can replace the phrase ‘get to the bottom of’ is-