Questions For All Exams ExamPot

Computer Shortcut keys

To find and load a file that has been saved on a computer which of the given options is used ?

Computer Basic Computer fundamentals

One kilobit is equal to bits

Computer Basic Computer fundamentals

The brain of any computer system is

Computer Computer Networking

Which of the following is an application protocol?

Computer Computer Architecture

Which of the following is a volatile memory of a computer?

Computer Input Output Devices

In laser printer which type of laser is used?

Computer Input Output Devices

लेजर प्रिंटर में किस प्रकार की लेजर का उपयोग किया जाता है?

Computer Computer Networking

In the following list of devices, which device is used in data link layer?

Computer Computer Networking

निम्नलिखित यंत्रो की सूचि में डाटालिंक लेयर में किस यंत्र का प्रयोग किया जाता है ?

Computer Shortcut keys

Alt+Tab is used to _______.

Computer Shortcut keys

Alt + Tab का उपयोग _______ के लिए किया जाता है।

Computer Full forms

What is the full form of MPEG?

Computer Full forms

What is the full form of UPS?

Computer Shortcut keys

Alt+E is used to _______.

Computer Shortcut keys

Alt+E का प्रयोग _____________ के लिए होता हैं।

Computer History of Computers

Second generation computers can be characterized largely by their use of _________.

Computer History of Computers

दूसरी पीढ़ी के कंप्यूटरों की विशेषता प्रायः उनके द्वारा उपयोग किए जाने वाले______के आधार पर दी जा सकती है।

Computer Operating Systems

WINDOWS-98 is basically

Computer Operating Systems

विंडो-98 मूल रूप से है

Computer Programming Languages

Which of the following is considered as first high level programming language?