Questions For All Exams ExamPot

Computer MS Office

What MSDOS command is used to create a subdirectory ?

Computer MS Office

In Word Processing moving lexi from one place to another within a document is called as

Computer Input Output Devices

Pick the odd one out :

Computer MS Office

In MS Word multiple words lines or paragraphs can be selected by using key ?

Computer Hardware

The most crucial portion of any computer is the

Computer Internet

Synonym of Internet is

Computer Shortcut keys

Which command is not used to switch off the computer ?

Computer Computer Architecture

Speed of processor chip is measured in

Computer MS Office

In MS Excel provide a visual representation of the values in a worksheet ?

Computer Internet

Find the odd man out :

Computer Full forms

DVD is :

Computer Software

In Windows Icons such as Add Remove programs Add New Hardware Modems etc. are found in :

Computer Computer Architecture

The new technology which is emerging in the field of computer is

Computer Operating Systems

The IBMDOS is a

Computer Operating Systems

The UNIX operating system is suitable for :

Computer Computer Architecture

Which one of the following is used as secondary storage system in computer ?

Computer Email

How many types of recipients are there in an email system?

Computer History of Computers

A Supercomputer would be used for which one of the following applications?

Computer Software

CRM in the context of software applications means

Computer Input Output Devices

Dot Matrix Printers when compared to Laser Printers are