Questions For All Exams ExamPot

Computer Programming Languages

A bug in a programme is a an

Computer Hardware

Programs stored in a ROM are called

Computer Languages & Compilers

Which is a program that places programs into memory and prepares them for execution ?

Computer Full forms

Expansion of RDBMS is

Computer History of Computers

Where is India’s super computer PARAM located ?

Computer Languages & Compilers

A translator for the assembly language to machine language is

Computer Computer Architecture

The rate at which scanning is repeated in a CRT is called :

Computer Software

Pick the odd one out :

Computer Software

allows users to access accounts and pay bills

Computer Basic Computer fundamentals

A Bit refers to

Computer Full forms

ATM is the abbreviation for

Computer Software

Alta Vista is a

Computer Operating Systems

What are the signals that inform the operating system that some activity has taken place called ?

Computer Databases and DBMS

Which of the following is an example of a database manager?

Computer Databases and DBMS

What is the process of defining tables called ?

Computer History of Computers

Small and cheap computers built into several home appliances are of which type?

Computer Basic Computer fundamentals

One Byte is equal to

Computer Full forms

DOS is a

Computer Programming Languages

A bug in a programme is a

Computer Computer Networking

The device that converts computer output for transmission over telephone lines is called