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General Knowledge General Policy

मौद्रिक नीति समिति किस प्रकार की संस्था है?

General Knowledge Static GK

When the supply curve shifts towards the left it means ______.

General Knowledge Static GK

जब आपूर्ति वक्र बाईं ओर परिवर्तित होता है तो इसका मतलब ______ होता है।

General Knowledge Constitution

The idea of suspending fundamental rights during the emergency in the Constitution of India has been borrowed from which country?

General Knowledge Constitution

भारत के संविधान में आपातकाल के दौरान मौलिक अधिकारों को निलंबित करने का विचार किस देश से लिया गया है?

General Knowledge Constitution

Which constitutional article mentions that ‘There shall be a President of India’?

General Knowledge Constitution

किस संवैधानिक अनुच्छेद में उल्लेख किया गया है कि 'भारत का एक राष्ट्रपति होगा'?

General Knowledge Polity

What is the Bye Election?

General Knowledge Polity

उपचुनाव क्या है?

General Knowledge Miscellaneous

The reducing the period of sentence without changing its character is called _______.

General Knowledge Miscellaneous

बिना उसकी प्रकृति बदले दंड की अवधि को कम करना _________ कहलाता है।

General Knowledge History

What was the name of chapekar brothers who assassinated Plague Commissioner of Pune, WC Rand?

General Knowledge History

पुणे के प्लेग कमिश्नर, डब्ल्यूसी रैंड की हत्या करने वाले चापेकर भाइयों का नाम क्या था?

General Knowledge History

Akali Religious Reform movement is associated with which religion?

General Knowledge History

अकाली धार्मिक सुधार आंदोलन किस धर्म से जुड़ा है ?

General Knowledge History

Sidney Rowlatt Committee of 1918 was associated with_____.

General Knowledge History

1918 की सिडनी रॉलट समिति _____ से जुड़ी थी।

General Knowledge History

Who among the following initiated ‘Din-i-llahi’?

General Knowledge History

निम्नलिखित में से किसने ‘दीन-ए-इलाही’ आरंभ किया था?

General Knowledge History

Mehrunnisa who was known as Nur Jahan was the wife of _____.