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General Knowledge Static GK

ज़ेमू हिमनद किस हिमालयी पर्वतमाला में स्थित है?

General Knowledge Miscellaneous

Dhola Dhar range lies in which of the following Himalayan division?

General Knowledge Miscellaneous

धौलाधर पर्वतमाला निम्नलिखित में से किस हिमालयी प्रमंडल में स्थित है?

General Knowledge Miscellaneous

Andaman and Nicobar are separated by which channel?

General Knowledge Miscellaneous

अंडमान और निकोबार को किस चैनल द्वारा अलग किया जाता है?

General Knowledge History

Who led the Operation Flood in India?

General Knowledge History

भारत में ऑपरेशन फ्लड का नेतृत्व किसने किया?

General Knowledge Static GK

In which state is the Pichola Lake situated?

General Knowledge Static GK

पिछोला झील किस राज्य में स्थित है?

General Knowledge Static GK

Patkai Bum Range is situated at the international boundary between?

General Knowledge Static GK

पटकाई बम पर्वतमाला किस अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सीमा के बीच स्थित है?

General Knowledge Geography

What is the range of intensity scale of earthquake?

General Knowledge Geography

भूकंप की तीव्रता मापने वाले पैमाने की सीमा क्या होती है?

General Knowledge Geography

Which of the following earthquake belts is also known as the ‘Ring of Fire’?

General Knowledge Geography

निम्नलिखित में से किस भूकंपीय पेटी को 'रिंग ऑफ फायर' के रूप में भी जाना जाता है?

General Knowledge Economy

Income Tax is which type of a tax?

General Knowledge Economy

आयकर किस प्रकार का कर है?

General Knowledge General Policy

Project Shashakt is associated with ____

General Knowledge General Policy

सशक्त परियोजना_______ से संबद्ध है।

General Knowledge General Policy

Monetary Policy committee is which type of a body?