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Reasoning Missing Number

प्रश्नचिह्न (?) को कौन प्रतिस्थापित करेगा ?  

Reasoning Puzzle

किसी कूट भाषा में यदि - को जोड़ , + को घटाव , x को भाग एवं ÷ को गुणा माना जाये तो —   [7 - 10 x 5 ÷ 6 + 4) का मान होगा —

General Knowledge History

किस शासक को ' जिन्दा पीर ' कहा जाता था ?

General Knowledge Science and Scientific Research

कांसा का संघटन है —

Reasoning Number Series

रिक्त स्थान की पूर्ति करें —   2, 6, 12, ____, 30, 42

Reasoning Coding Decoding

किसी कूट भाषा में PENCIL को LICNEP लिखा जाये तो उसी कूट भाषा में INKPOT को क्या लिखा जायेगा ? 

General Knowledge Important Days

मानवाधिकार दिवस कब मनाया जाता है ?

English Fill in the blanks

I did not see any other person ______ your brother.

English Fill in the blanks

My spectacles ________ very costly.

English Fill in the blanks

 I gave him two ________ .

English Fill in the blanks

The summons _______ served on him. 

English Fill in the blanks

I am sure my classmates will ________ my statement.

English Active/Passive Voice

Change the Voice of the following—  

Nobody can change destiny 

English Idioms and Phrases

'de jure' means—

English Spotting Errors

All my sister in laws (1)/ had been married (2)/ three years ago.(3)/No error(4)

English Spotting Errors

His grandfather seldom (1)/ ever wants (2)/ to face the truth.(3)/No error(4) 

English Spellings

Choose the correctly spelt word—

English Antonyms

Choose Antonym of the word 'Nervous'—

English Direct Indirect Speech

Change the Narration of the following—  

He said to me, "Why do you go today?" 

English One Word Substitution

Choose one word for the following—  

One who acts against religion