Questions For All Exams ExamPot

English Active/Passive Voice

  You must shut these doors.

English Idioms and Phrases

Bed of roses :

English Fill in the blanks

  I _________ your proposal.

English Fill in the blanks

 The doctor _________ the woman that her son would recover.

English Fill in the blanks

The country is divided ___________ six regions.

English Fill in the blanks

 They haven't come yet, _____________?

English Fill in the blanks

I don't think I _____________ be able to go.

English Reading Comprehension

Question-10 : Supporters of the first theory say that:

English Reading Comprehension

Question-9 : Broad general knowledge is necessary because :

English Reading Comprehension

Question-8 : 'Schools of through' can be explained as:

English Synonyms


English Antonyms


English One Word Substitution

A place of good climate for invalids:

English One Word Substitution

  A style in which a writer makes display of his knowledge :

English Spellings

Directions (2-3) : Find the correctly spelt word.

English Spellings

Directions (2-3) : Find the correctly spelt word.

English Sentence Transformation

Combine the following sentences to make it a compound :  

He threw the stone.

It missed the dog.

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