Active/Passive Voice - English Questions and Answers

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(Q1) English » Active/Passive Voice

Select the option that expresses the given sentence in passive voice.

She handles all tasks efficiently.


All tasks are being handled efficiently by her.


All tasks have been handled efficiently by her.


All tasks are handled efficiently by her.


All tasks were handled efficiently by her.

(Q2) English » Active/Passive Voice

Select the option that expresses the given sentence in active voice.

All weapons were surrendered by them.


They surrendered all weapons. 


They have surrendered all weapons. 


They had surrendered all weapons. 


They are surrendering all weapons. 

(Q3) English » Active/Passive Voice

Select the option that expresses the given sentence in passive voice.

She gifted me a beautiful handbag.


I was gifted a beautiful handbag by her.


I am gifted a beautiful handbag by her.


I am being gifted a beautiful handbag by her.


I have been gifted a beautiful handbag by her.


Active and Passive voice rule for past continuous tense is as below:

subject + V2 + object ~ object + was/were + v3 + by + subject. 

option A follows the rule, other three option have incorrect verb useage,

hence, option A is the correct answer

(Q4) English » Active/Passive Voice

Select the option that expresses the given sentence in passive voice.

Give the child a nourishing diet.


The child is given a nourishing diet.


The child was given a nourishing diet.


The child should be given a nourishing diet.


The child must have given a nourishing diet.


option C is correct.

rules to convert an imperative sentence in passive voice,

active V1 + object.

passive: object + should + be + v3 

or let + object + be + v3 

format 1 has been used here

so the correct answer is

the child should be given a nourishing diet.

(Q5) English » Active/Passive Voice

Select the option that expresses the given sentence in active voice.

How many candidates had been interviewed by him before lunch?


How many candidates did he interview before lunch?


How many candidates was he interviewing before lunch?


How many candidates had he interviewed before lunch?


How many candidates has he interviewed before lunch?


active passive rule for past perfect tense is as below: 

active- subject + had + v3 + object

passive- object+ had + been + v3 + by + subject.

hence the correct sentence should be how many candidates had he interviewed before lunch.

(Q6) English » Active/Passive Voice

Select the option that expresses the given sentence in active voice.

Trumpets are being blown by the soldiers to announce the victory.


The soldiers were blowing the trumpets to announce the victory.


The soldiers blow the trumpets to announce the victory.


The soldiers are blowing the trumpets to announce the victory.


The soldiers blew the trumpets to announce the victory.


rule to change in passive voice for present continuous tense is 

active- subject + is/am/are+ v1+ ing+ object

passive- object+ is/am/are+ being+ v3+ by + subject

hence according to the rule the correct option is C 

(Q7) English » Active/Passive Voice

Select the option that expresses the given sentence in active voice.

Hatred can be overcome by love.


Love has overcome hatred.


Love is overcoming hatred.


Love can overcome hatred.


Love can overcame hatred.


rules of active passive in case of model verbs is as below

active- subject + modal verbs+ v1 + object 

pasive - object + modal verbs + be + v3 + by + subject

so here the correct active form of the given sentence should be love can overcome hatred.

option C is correct.

(Q8) English » Active/Passive Voice

Select the option that expresses the given sentence in passive voice.

Do you trust me?


Do I was trusted by you?


Do I am trusted by you?


Am I trusted by you?


I am trusted by you.


rule to change into passive voice for present indefinite tense is as below

active- Do/does + subject + v1 + object +?

passive- is/am/are + object + v3 + by + subject + ?

so, according to the rules, option C, Am i trusted by you is correct here.

(Q9) English » Active/Passive Voice

Select the option that expresses the given sentence in passive voice.

He opened the door for his mother.


The door had been opened by him for his mother.


The door is opened by him for his mother.


The door was open by him for his mother.


The door was opened by him for his mother.


the correct rule of making passive of past tense is as below

active- subject+ v2+ object

passive- object+ was/were+ v3+ by + subject

so according to the rule 

correct passive form of the given sentence will be,

the door was opened by him for his mother.

so option D is the right answer

(Q10) English » Active/Passive Voice

Select the correct active voice of the given sentence.

The poems of great English poets are being translated into other languages.


They are translating the poems of great English poets into other languages.


They have translated the poems of great English poets into other languages.


They were translating the poems of great English poets into other languages.


They translated the poems of great English poets into other languages.


the rule to make passive of present continuous tense is as below

active- subject+ is/am/are + v1 + ing+ object.

passive- object+ is/am/are+ being + v3 + by + subject.

so according to the rule correct active form of the given sentence would be they are translating the poems of great english poets into other languages.

hence option A is correct

(Q11) English » Active/Passive Voice

Select the correct active voice form of the given sentence.

All the prize winning books have been displayed on the tables.


We have displayed all the prize winning books on the tables.


We are displaying all the prize winning books on the tables.


We have to display all the prize winning books on the tables.


We will be displaying all the prize winning books on the tables.


rule to change passive of present perfect tense is as below;

active: subject+ has/have+ v3 + object

passive: object+ has /have + been + v3+ by+ subject

hence according to the rule correct active form of the given sentence should  be we have displayed all the prize winning books on table.

option A is correct here.

(Q12) English » Active/Passive Voice

Select the correct active voice form of the given sentence.

All the inmates were rescued from the building by the firemen.


The firemen are rescuing all the inmates from the building.


The firemen have been rescuing all the inmates from the building.


The firemen have rescued all the inmates from the building.


The firemen rescued all the inmates from the building.


rules to make passive of past indefinite is as below

active: subject + v2+ object.

passive: object + was/were + v3+ by+ object

so according to the rule correct active form of the given sentence is  the fireman rescued all the immates from the building. 

hence, option D is correct.

(Q13) English » Active/Passive Voice

Select the option that expresses the given sentence in passive voice. 

The Smiths have put up a huge Christmas tree.


A huge Christmas tree was put up by the Smiths.


A huge Christmas tree is put up by the Smiths.


A huge Christmas tree is being put up by the Smiths.


A huge Christmas tree has been put up by the Smiths.


Subject + has/have+ v3+ object

Object+ has/have+ been+ V3+ by + subject

Subject + has/have+ not+ v3+ object

Object + has/have+ not + been+V3+ by Subject

Has/have+ subject+ v3 + object+?

Has/Have + Object+ been+V3+ by subject +?

(Q14) English » Active/Passive Voice

Select the correct passive voice of the given sentence.

Preeti invited Ritu for a party.


Ritu is invited for a party by Preeti.


Preeti was invited for a party by Ritu.


Preeti has been invited for a party by Ritu.


Ritu was invited for a party by Preeti.


Rita wrote a letter. (Subject + Verb + Object)

A letter was written by Rita.  (Object) + (auxiliary verb) + (past participle) + (by subject).

She cooks food. (Subject + Verb + Object)

The food is cooked by her. (Object) + (auxiliary verb) + (past participle) + (by subject)

(Q15) English » Active/Passive Voice

Select the correct active voice of the given sentence.

Rohan was pushed into the pool by Karan.


Rohan pushed Karan into the pool.


Rohan had pushed Karan into the pool.


Karan pushed Rohan into the pool.


Karan was pushing Rohan into the pool.


to make passive of past indefinite tense the rules are as below

active- subject+ v2+ object

passive- object + was/were+ v3+ by +object.

so according to the rule correct passive form of the above sentence will be option C

that is, karan pushed rohan into the pool.

note: common mistake is between option A and C ( always understand the subject and the object carefully)

(Q16) English » Active/Passive Voice

Select the correct passive voice of the given sentence.

She is making a beautiful beaded curtain.


A beautiful beaded curtain is made by her.


A beautiful beaded curtain is being made by her.


A beautiful beaded curtain was made by her.


A beautiful beaded curtain was being made by her.


to change the present continuous tense in passive voice the rule is as follow;

active- subject+ is/am/are+ v1+ ing+ object.

passive- object + is/am/are+ being+ v3+ by + object.

so according to the rule the correct passive form of thr given sentence is a beautiful beeded curtain is being made by her. 

option B is correct.

(Q17) English » Active/Passive Voice

Select the option that expresses the given sentence in passive voice.

They catch whale sharks commercially in some places around the world.


Whale sharks are caught commercially in some places around the world.


Whale sharks have been caught commercially in some places around the world.


Whale sharks are being caught commercially in some places around the world.


Whale sharks were caught commercially in some places around the world.


option A is the correct answer.

according to the rule, 

active- subject+ v1+ object

passive- object + is/am/are+ v3+ by+ object.

so the correct passive form of the sentence is  whale sharks are caught commercially in some places around the world.

note: when we have general subjects in the sentence we may ignore writing by + subject part in passive form.

(Q18) English » Active/Passive Voice

Select the correct active voice form of the given sentence

A cartoon film is being watched by Praveen.


Praveen had been watching a cartoon film.


Praveen is watched a cartoon film.


Praveen is watching a cartoon film.


Praveen would like to watch a cartoon film.


according to the rules to make passive of present continuous tense,

active- subject+ is/am/are+v1+ ing+objcet.

passive- object+ is/am/are+ being+ v3 + by + object.

so the correct active form of the given sentence should be option C that is, Praveen is watching a cartoon film.

(Q19) English » Active/Passive Voice

Select the option that expresses the given sentence in passive voice.

Who is creating this mess?


By whom is this mess being created?


Who has created this mess?


By whom this mess being created?


By whom has this mess been created?


rules to make passive of above sentence

active- wh words+ is/am/are + Ving + object+?

passive- wh words + is /am/are+ being + v3+ object +?

so according to the rule the correct passive form is option A that is by whom is this mess being created.

note: sentence starting with who in active voice are started with by whom in passive.

(Q20) English » Active/Passive Voice

Select the option that expresses the given sentence in passive voice.

The judge found the prisoner guilty.


The judge was found guilty by the prisoner.


The prisoner was found guilty by the judge.


The prisoner has been found guilty by the judge


The prisoner had been found guilty by the judge.


rules to make passive voice of past indefinite tense

active- subject+ v2+ object

passive- object+ was/were+ v3+ by + subject

so the correct answer is option B 

that is the prisoner was found guilty by the judge.