CSS History and Versions

CSS full form is Cascading Style Sheet and it is used to add styling to the HTML Tags.

CSS came first into introduced and existence in 1994 and then it is evolved all these years and W3C maintained the standards with CSS1, CSS2 and CSS3.


  • CSS 1 was introduced in 1996. It was not familiar and not well supported by the recent browsers such as Internet Explorer 3, Internet Explorer 4 and Netscape 4.x.
  • CSS 1 had font properties and defination for typeface and emphasis. The text attributes in the CSS 1 were supported such as spacing of letters and line of text.
  • Alignment of text, positioning and tables were also added in the CSS 1. Margin, padding, border and positioning for elements was also implemented in this version and this recommendation was not maintained by W3C.


  • CSS2 is the advanced version of CSS1. It removed the not fully interoperable features and it also added the browser extensions.
  • In this version many new features such as absolute, relative and fixed positioning of elements and it supported different media types. It also added new font properties such as shadow.


  • CSS3 is the widely used in may websites. It has XHTML specification. CSS3 has its main focus on modularisation and separation of concerns.
  • The CSS 3 version have different modules which go through different stages of the recommendation process. CSS3 has supported by the almost all recent web browsers.
  • In this version all new selectors along with new combinator and new pseudo-elements have been added.
  • CSS3 version has several new CSS properties like animation which is not a part of earlier recommendations.
  • In this version many properties are added such as transforms, gradients, animation and transition for animation effect in the website.
  • The earlier add-ons are like border-radius, box-shadow, flex-box and CSS grid.