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English Spotting Errors

  1. He is not coming tomorrow
  2. as he is having a pain in the chest
  3. and has to see a doctor.
  4. No error.

English Spotting Errors

  1. Our conception of
  2. what should a science of mental life be
  3. has changed considerably since James' time.
  4. No error.

English Spotting Errors

  1. The long-awaited moment at last came,
  2. and we set out for the station
  3. as merry a band of children as I have ever seen before or since.
  4. No error.

English Spotting Errors

  1. He persisted
  2. to do it
  3. in spite of my advice
  4. No error.

English Spotting Errors

  1. In these days of inflation,
  2. a ten rupee's note will not buy you
  3. even an ordinary meal.
  4. No error.

English Spotting Errors

  1. Most of the members at the meeting felt
  2. that the group appointed for investigating the case
  3. were not competent to do the job efficiently.
  4. No error.

English Spotting Errors

  1. Will you please buy
  2. some jaggery for me
  3. if you go to the market?
  4. No error.

English Spotting Errors

  1. The brand propositon now therefore had to be that Keokarpin Antiseptic Cream is more effective
  2. because it penetrates deepdown (beinglight and non-sticky) and works from within
  3. (because of its ayurvedic ingredients) to keep skin blemish, free and helps cope with cuts nicks, burns and nappy rash.
  4. No error

English Spotting Errors

  1. He will certainly help you
  2. if you will ask him
  3. in a pleasant manner.
  4. No error.

English Spotting Errors

  1. He couldn't but help
  2. shedding tears at the plight of the villagers
  3. rendered homeless by a devastating cyclone.
  4. No error.

English Spotting Errors

  1. Mr.Praful Patel
  2. is not attending his office
  3. for the last month.
  4. No error.

English Spotting Errors

  1. On the busy Ring Road
  2. we witnessed a collusion
  3. between a truck and an auto.
  4. No error.

English Spotting Errors

  1. I shall certainly
  2. write you
  3. when I shall reach NewDelhi.
  4. No error.

English Spotting Errors

  1. You must
  2. remember me
  3. to post this letter.
  4. No error.

English Spotting Errors

  1. If a man diligently seeks to come into the contact
  2. with the best that has been thought and said in this world
  3. he will become simple and unselfish.
  4. No error.

General Knowledge Constitution

सर्वोच्च न्यायालय या उच्च न्यायालय के न्यायाधीश को संसद द्वारा निम्नलिखित में से किसके जरिए हटाया जा सकता है?

General Knowledge Awards and Honors

नुपुर आर्ट्स के/की कलात्मक निर्देशक ________ दक्षिण एशियाई नृत्य श्रेणी में 2021 के वन डांस यू.के. लाइफटाइम अचीवमेंट पुरस्कार की विजेता हैं।

General Knowledge Sports Knowledge

विंबलडन ओपन के आयोजकों ने विंबलडन 2022 में दो देशों के खिलाड़ियों को खेलने अनुमति नहीं दी थी। उनमें से एक रूस था, दूसरा देश कौन-सा था?

General Knowledge Economy

________ वह ब्याज दर है जिस पर रिजर्व बैंक LAF के तहत पात्र सरकारी प्रतिभूतियों के संपार्श्विक के खिलाफ बैंकों से तरलता को अवशोषित करता है।

General Knowledge Science and Scientific Research

"यह विटामिन, यकृत, दूध, अंडे, मछली में पाया जाता है। यह RBC के निर्माण में सहायक होता है। इस विटामिन की कमी से एनीमिया हो जाता है।"
उपरोक्त कथनों में किस विटामिन का उल्लेख किया गया है?