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English Spotting Errors

  1. Though senior in age,
  2. his father is junior than
  3. my father in service.
  4. No error.

English Spotting Errors

  1. It does not matter how you do it;
  2. what I want is that
  3. you should finish the work within a month.
  4. No error.

English Spotting Errors

  1. All the furnitures have been
  2. sent to the new house
  3. located in a village.
  4. No error.

English Spotting Errors

  1. Please try to understand
  2. that the dispute on this issue is between my brother and myself,
  3. and concerns nobody else.
  4. No error.

English Spotting Errors

  1. As much as I admire him for his sterling qualities.
  2. I cannot excuse him for
  3. being unfair to his friends.
  4. No error.

English Spotting Errors

  1. In spite of several reminders,
  2. he did not so far send
  3. any reply to me, letters.
  4. No error.

English Spotting Errors

  1. The warden
  2. forbade the student
  3. from leaving the hostel.
  4. No error.

English Spotting Errors

  1. My papa is
  2. in bad mood
  3. today
  4. No error.

English Spotting Errors

  1. Though child marriage
  2. has been banned.
  3. the custom still prevailed among some groups in India.
  4. No error.

English Spotting Errors

  1. Arun's parents died when he was young and
  2. he looked after his aunt
  3. who had no children.
  4. No error.

English Spotting Errors

  1. He said that he
  2. will mind if
  3. I refused his offer.
  4. No error.

General Knowledge Science and Scientific Research

Which of the following was NOT an aim of the satellite INSAT-1B?

General Knowledge Science and Scientific Research

निम्नलिखित में से क्या उपग्रह इनसैट-1बी (INSAT-1B) का उद्देश्य नहीं था?

General Knowledge Science and Scientific Research

Which of the following options is correctly matched?

General Knowledge Science and Scientific Research

निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सा विकल्प सही सुमेलित है?

General Knowledge Science and Scientific Research

Trichloromethane is the IUPAC name of __________.

General Knowledge Science and Scientific Research

ट्राइक्लोरोमीथेन __________ का IUPAC नाम है।

General Knowledge Books and Authors

‘Mein Kampf’ of Adolf Hitler was originally written in which of the following languages?

General Knowledge Books and Authors

एडोल्फ हिटलर की आत्‍मकथा ‘मीन कैम्‍फ (mein kampf)’ मूल रूप से निम्नलिखित में से किस भाषा में लिखी गई थी?

General Knowledge Sports Knowledge

The term ‘Follow – On’ is used in which of the following games/sports?