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English Spotting Errors

  1. I would have lost
  2. my luggage and other belongings
  3. if I would have left the compartment
  4. and gone out to fetch drinking water.
  5. No error.

English Spotting Errors

  1. We have keep
  2. our promise and
  3. you can expect
  4. a lot from us in future.
  5. No error.

English Spotting Errors

  1. He ought
  2. not have
  3. done such a
  4. filthy thing.
  5. No error.

English Spotting Errors

  1. I see you
  2. in Kanpur
  3. during my next visit
  4. in the month of May.
  5. No error

English Spotting Errors

  1. Rajesh was expecting
  2. a telegram from his uncle
  3. which would inform
  4. him whether he went or not.
  5. No error.

English Spotting Errors

  1. No country can long endure
  2. if its foundations
  3. were not laid deep
  4. in the material prosperity.
  5. No error.

English Spotting Errors

  1. While Mahendra was away
  2. on a long official tour
  3. his office receive an important letter
  4. which was marked 'Urgent'.
  5. No error.

English Spotting Errors

  1. I am pleased to sanction
  2. one special increment
  3. to all the employees
  4. with this month.
  5. No error.

English Spotting Errors

  1. I was to about
  2. go out of my house
  3. when it suddenly
  4. started raining.
  5. No error.

English Spotting Errors

  1. Of the two
  2. sisters
  3. Meena is
  4. the elder.
  5. No error.

English Spotting Errors

  1. Developmental activities of
  2. the government come
  3. to a standstill due
  4. to paucity of funds.
  5. No error.

English Spotting Errors

  1. As it was Ramesh's
  2. first interview he dressed him
  3. in his most
  4. formal suit.
  5. No error.

English Spotting Errors

  1. The Head of the Department
  2. advised all the staff
  3. to not to
  4. indulge in gossip.
  5. No error.

English Spotting Errors

  1. Scarcely had I
  2. finished washing the car
  3. than the master came
  4. and asked me to clean the floor of the house.
  5. No error.

English Spotting Errors

  1. Do not trouble
  2. yourself about writing to me
  3. unless you are quite
  4. in the humour for it.
  5. No error.

English Spotting Errors

  1. Such
  2. rules do not
  3. apply to
  4. you and I
  5. No error.

English Spotting Errors

  1. The apparently obvious solutions
  2. to most of his problems
  3. were overlook by
  4. many of his friends.
  5. No error.

English Spotting Errors

  1. If the teacher
  2. is good the students
  3. will respond
  4. positively to them.
  5. No error.

English Spotting Errors

  1. We have observed that
  2. many good programmes
  3. suffer of shortage
  4. of funds and other resources.
  5. Error.

English Spotting Errors

  1. Motivating employees with
  2. traditional authority and financial
  3. incentives have become
  4. increasingly difficult.
  5. No error.