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English Synonyms

Sunlight and shadow made the landscape a kaleidoscope of colour.

English Synonyms

The accident occurred due to his lapse.

English Synonyms

Lack of occupation is not necessary revealed by manifest idleness.

English Synonyms

On scrutiny the police officer found out that the documents provided by the landlord were totally fabricated.

English Synonyms

In spite of their efforts, the team of scientists could not make much headway to solve the problem.

English Synonyms

The attitude of Western countries towards the Third World Countries is rather callous to say the least.

English Synonyms

The bullet wound proved to be fatal and the soldier died immediately.

English Synonyms

The visitor had a bohemian look.

English Synonyms

The great dancer impressed the appreciative crowd by his nimble movements.

English Synonyms

She has an insatiable love for music.

English Synonyms

The great artist life was full of vicissitudes.

English Synonyms

It is very difficult to retain all that you hear in the class.

General Knowledge Constitution

The Fundamental Duties are addressed to the ________.

General Knowledge Constitution

मौलिक कर्तव्य ________ पर लागू होते हैं।

General Knowledge Books and Authors

Who was the author of Tarikh-i-Mubarak Shahi which is a Persian language chronicle of the Delhi Sultanate?

General Knowledge Books and Authors

तारीख़-ए-मुबारक शाही दिल्ली सल्तनत का फारसी भाषा का इतिहास है, इसके लेखक कौन थे?

General Knowledge Science and Scientific Research

Compounds with exactly two double carbon – carbon bonds are knows as ______.

General Knowledge Science and Scientific Research

वे यौगिक जिनमें केवल दोहरे कार्बन-कार्बन बंध होते हैं, _______ कहलाते हैं।

General Knowledge History

In 1856, Governor-General ______ decided that Bahadur Shah Zafar would be the last Mughal king and after his death none of his descendants would be recognised as kings – they would just be called princes.

General Knowledge History

1856 में, गवर्नर-जनरल ______ ने फैसला किया कि बहादुरशाह ज़फर अंतिम मुगल बादशाह होंगे और उनकी मृत्यु के बाद उनके किसी भी वंशज को बादशाह के रूप में मान्यता नहीं दी जाएगी - उन्हें केवल राजकुमारों के रूप में मान्यता दी जाएगी।