Questions For All Exams ExamPot

English Active/Passive Voice

Give the child a nourishing diet.

English Sentence Improvement

Of the two plans submitted by the architect, this is the one more likely to be accepted.

English Spotting Errors

Do you / recall to meet / her at the party / last night?

English Spotting Errors

We stayed / in Jim’s flat / during he was / on holiday.

English Sentence Improvement

The first meeting of the Standing Committee will be hold next week.

English Idioms and Phrases

The Chairman of our company takes care of the rank and file in the company.

English Active/Passive Voice

She gifted me a beautiful handbag.

English Cloze Test

Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank no.5.

English Cloze Test

Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank no.4.

English Cloze Test

Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank no.3.

English Cloze Test

Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank no.2.

English Cloze Test

Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank no.1.

English Spotting Errors

If the economy fails / this year it reflect badly / on the government.

English One Word Substitution

The study of earthquakes

English Sentence Improvement

A tigress has given birth to a cub in the Ranthambore Tiger Reserve, taking the big cat population to 78.

English Active/Passive Voice

All weapons were surrendered by them.

English Sentence Improvement

The authorities are assured the people that they will look into the matter.

English Antonyms


English Antonyms


English Synonyms
