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Reasoning Image Series

Reasoning Cube and Dice

A cube of side 125 cm is painted red on all the faces and then cut into smaller cubes of sides 25 cm each. Find the number of smaller cubes having at least two faces painted.

Reasoning Cube and Dice

125 cm भुजा वाले एक घन को सभी फलकों पर लाल रंग से रंगा जाता है और फिर इसे 25 cm भुजा वाले छोटे- छोटे घनों में काटा जाता है। ऐसे छोटे घनों की संख्या ज्ञात कीजिए जिनके कम से कम दो फलक रंगे हुए हों।

Reasoning Blood Relations

There are six members, P, Q, R, S, T and U, in a family. T is the brother of P’s husband. U is the mother of T. Q is the daughter of S and P and the granddaughter of R. How is R related to T?

Reasoning Blood Relations

एक परिवार में छः सदस्य P, Q, R, S, T और U हैं। T, P के पति का भाई है। U, T की मां है। Q, S और P की पुत्री है और वह R की पोती है। R का T से क्या संबंध है?

Reasoning Paper Folding and Cutting

Reasoning Paper Folding and Cutting

Reasoning Puzzle

55 * 126 * 14 * 520 * 30 * 5

Reasoning Puzzle

55 * 126 * 14 * 520 * 30 * 5

Reasoning Mirror Image

Reasoning Mirror Image

Reasoning Puzzle

Avanish got 78% marks in an examination and Kapil got 64% marks in the same examination. If the sum of the marks obtained by Kapil and Avanish is 923, then find the marks obtained by Kapil in the examination.

Reasoning Puzzle

अवनीश ने एक परीक्षा में 78% अंक प्राप्त किए और कपिल ने उसी परीक्षा में 64% अंक प्राप्त किए। यदि कपिल और अवनीश द्वारा प्राप्त अंकों का योग 923 है, तो कपिल द्वारा परीक्षा में प्राप्त किए गए अंक ज्ञात कीजिए।

Reasoning Alphabet Series


Reasoning Alphabet Series


Reasoning Number Series

352, 288, 252, 236, ?

Reasoning Number Series

352, 288, 252, 236, ?

Reasoning Missing Number

24 36 32
6 3 ?
12 2 24
12 54 24

Reasoning Missing Number

24 36 32
6 3 ?
12 2 24
12 54 24

Reasoning Seating Arrangement

Six friends, David, Bhanu, Minto, Krita, John and Nisan, are sitting in a circle with their backs towards the centre. David and Minto are sitting to the immediate left and right of Bhanu, respectively. John is not sitting to the immediate left of David. Nisan is sitting third to the right of Bhanu. Who is sitting second to the left of Bhanu?