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English Spotting Errors

Select the sentence which has no spelling error.

English Antonyms


English Active/Passive Voice

Diwali sweets were being prepared by our grandmother.

English Sentence Correction

This cat and mouse game are famous with all children in the future.

English Idioms and Phrases

A piece of cake

English Antonyms

I broke away from their solicitous grip.

English Para jumbles

A.It is unquestionably evident that this virus brought misery and grief into the lives of the people of other professions too.
B.Covid-19 changed the form and face of every field in the world. It did not leave any field untouched.
C.One of the most affected areas is education. Millions of students all over the world could not get a proper education.
D.Millions of the teachers who are working, specifically in private educational institutes, were not paid full salary during the pandemic.

English Spellings

Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.

English Synonyms


English Idioms and Phrases

The coach felt extremely nervous on seeing the team performing poorly in the first quarter.

English Synonyms


English Sentence Correction

Vishnu and family are looking around into the possibility of moving to Canada.

English Fill in the blanks

We would have loved to stay __________ like children all our lives.

English Fill in the blanks

The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 2005 (Mahatma Gandhi NREGA) aims at enhancing ________ security of households in rural areas of the country by providing at least one hundred days of guaranteed wage employment in a financial year to every household whose adult members volunteer to do unskilled manual work.

English Spotting Errors

The following sentence has been split into four segments. Identify the segment that contains a grammatical error.
The manager / did not / gone to / Bombay yesterday.

General Knowledge General Policy

Which Five-Year Plan in India was mainly focussed on Garibi Hatao, creation of employment opportunities and agricultural production amongst other objectives?

General Knowledge General Policy

भारत में कौन सी पंचवर्षीय योजना मुख्य रूप से गरीबी हटाओ, रोजगार के अवसरों के सृजन और अन्य उद्देश्यों के साथ कृषि उत्पादन पर केंद्रित थी?

General Knowledge Agriculture

The bare ground between plants is covered with a layer of organic matter in order to retain soil moisture. This method is called ______.

General Knowledge Agriculture

मिट्टी की नमी को बनाए रखने के लिए पौधों के बीच की अनावरित भूमि को जैव पदार्थ की एक परत से ढक दिया जाता है। इस विधि को ______ कहा जाता है।

General Knowledge Science and Scientific Research

Who conducted X-ray spectroscopic study of a large number of elements and showed that the frequency of X-rays emitted by an element is related to the atomic number, Z, rather than the atomic mass?