Questions For All Exams ExamPot

Mathematics Simplification

यदि (ab)x-1=(ba)x-3 हो, तो x = ?

Mathematics Simplification

23 + 22 + 2-2 + 2-3 = ?

English Fill in the blanks

He speaks ________ one.

English Fill in the blanks

A rolling stone _______ no moss.

English Fill in the blanks

I shall abide _______ your instructions.

English Fill in the blanks

Death is ________

English Antonyms


English Antonyms


English Synonyms


English Synonyms


English Spellings

Spot the mis-spelt word—

English Para jumbles

(P) is looking to invest around

(Q) Ferrero, Italian manufacturer of

(R) Rs 2000 crore in India

(S) confectionary and chocolate products

English One Word Substitution

An Allowance paid to wife on divorce

English One Word Substitution

A family of young ones

English Idioms and Phrases

Cut a sorry figure means—

English Active/Passive Voice

I found his friends laughing at him

English Direct Indirect Speech

I said to her, "You have done my favour."

English Reading Comprehension

Question-5 : Which of the following option is not true in the context of the passage?

English Reading Comprehension

Question-4 : To which religion, the magazine has not been continually criticizing?

English Reading Comprehension

Question-3 : A getaway car is (as used in the passage)—