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एक आयताकार फ्लॉट की लंबाई, उसके चौड़ाई का 41/2 गुना है। यदि प्लॉट का क्षेत्रफल 400 वर्ग मी० हो, तो लंबाई है—

English Idioms and Phrases

A man of straw. (Phrase)

English Nouns

Agendum (Plural)

English Spotting Errors

Has he gone there (1)/ earlier, he would (2)/ have saved her. (3)/ No error (4)

English Direct Indirect Speech

He said to me, "He came in the evening". (Narration)

English Active/Passive Voice

Open the door. (Voice)

English Parts of Speech

Leave (Past participle)

English Antonyms

Gullible (Antonym)

English Synonyms

Acquire (Synonym)

English Prepositions

She has reached _______ the station. (Preposition)

English Prepositions

This book deals _______ the social problem of the state. (Preposition)

English Articles

She shall go there by ______ train. (Article)

English Prepositions

He is unable _______ go there. (Preposition)

English Prepositions

He entered ______ the school. (Preposition)

English Spotting Errors

Can you tell (1)/ me how the Rajdhani (2)/ exp. arrives? (3)/ No error (4)

English Spellings

Spot the mis-spelt word—

English Reading Comprehension

Question-5 :  At the sight of the author's bloody wound, his friends—

English Reading Comprehension

Question-4 : The author was hit by a broken bottle—

English Reading Comprehension

Question-3 : The weapons used by the white in the gang fight were—