Questions For All Exams ExamPot

English Nouns

Feminine of 'Bullock' is _______

English Idioms and Phrases

'To pay lip service' means

English Antonyms

Antonym of 'Exorbitant' is—

English Synonyms

Synonym of 'Mourn' is

English Direct Indirect Speech

Mohan said, "Ah! he is dead."

English Active/Passive Voice

I must do it

English Spellings

Spot the mis-spelt word—

English Reading Comprehension

Question-5: Who was the earlier champion?

English Reading Comprehension

Question-4 : According to the passage—

English Reading Comprehension

Question-3 : According to the passage, the relation between Carlsen and Anand is such that—   (A) Carlsen admires Anand (B) Carlsen respects Anand (C) Carlsen is never defeated by Anand

English Reading Comprehension

Question-2 : Carlsen's practice of leaving his table and doing some other activities shows that—

English Reading Comprehension

Question-1 : What does the author mean by the term 'Nine Pin Bowling' as used in the passage?

General Knowledge Miscellaneous

'साहीवाल' निम्न में से किस जानवर की प्रजाति है?

General Knowledge Static GK

सर्वोत्तम क्वालिटी का कोयला है

General Knowledge Sports Knowledge

आगा खाँ कप किस खेल से संबद्ध है?

General Knowledge Places

विक्टोरिया जलप्रपात किस नदी पर है?

General Knowledge History

8 अप्रैल, 1857 को निम्न में से किसे फांसी दी गयी?

General Knowledge Static GK

देश का मुख्य विधि अधिकारी कौन होता है?

General Knowledge Sports Knowledge

बीसीसीआई के नए अध्यक्ष के रूप में किसे नियुक्त किया गया है? (2022)

General Knowledge Polity

स्वीडन के प्रधान मंत्री के रूप में किसे चुना गया है? (2022)