Questions For All Exams ExamPot

General Knowledge Static GK

अर्जेन्टीना किस महादेश में है ?

General Knowledge Books and Authors

श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता ( संस्कृत ) के रचयिता कौन थे ?

English Fill in the blanks

The college is ________ 4 pm.

English Fill in the blanks

Contact us between 7 am ________ 9 am.

English Fill in the blanks

He was ________ tall than handsome. 

English Fill in the blanks

It is I who _________ written this letter.

English Fill in the blanks

 Diesel is sold ________ litre.

English Fill in the blanks

He is as talkative as a ________ .

English Fill in the blanks

He will not go there ________ it stops raining. 

English One Word Substitution

Government by one 

English Spellings

Spot the mis-spelt word-

English Antonyms


English Antonyms


English Synonyms


English Synonyms


English Idioms and Phrases

Through and through’ means-

English Para jumbles

(1) In the meantime

(P) two decades of their presence

(Q) in the arts scene of New York with

(R) long season to celebrate

(S) they are busy preparing for a

(6) a variety of interesting events 

English Direct Indirect Speech

He said to me, 'Let us go out for a walk'.

English Reading Comprehension

Question-4 : Immigrants are those-

English Reading Comprehension

Question-3 : National Endowment Award is given-