English » Direct Indirect Speech

Select the option that expresses the given sentence in direct speech.

She exclaimed with sorrow that life had become miserable.


She said, “How miserable had become life!”


She said, “Life has become miserable.”


She said, “Oh! What miserable life has become.”


She said, “Alas! How miserable life has become.”


option D is the correct answer according to the rules


  1. In direct speech of exclamatory sentence an exclamation mark is used after the interjection or at the end of the sentence. This mark is replaced by a full stop after narration change from direct to indirect speech.
  2. The reporting verb changes to exclaimed with joy/happiness or exclaimed with sorrow or disgust depending on the mood of the sentence. 
  3. After converting the speech, the interjection should be omitted. 
  4. The reporting clause and reported clause is connected with conjunction ‘that