English » Active/Passive Voice

Select the option that expresses the given sentence in active voice.

The booking will have been closed when you reach the theatre.


They will have closed the booking when you reach the theatre.


They will close the booking when you reach the theatre.


They had closed the booking when you reached the theatre.


They would have closed the booking when you reach the theatre.


option a is the right answer according to the rule.

Active and Passive Voice Rules for Future Perfect Tense

Here, we are sharing the Active Voice and Passive Voice Rules chart for future perfect tense.

Active Voice

Passive Voice

Subject + will+ have +v3+ object.

Object+ will+ have+ been +V3+ by + subject

Subject + will+ have +not+v3+ object.

Object + will+ have +not+been+v3+ subject

Will+ Subject+have+v3+ object+?

Will + object+have+been+v3+by +subject+?