English » Direct Indirect Speech

Select the option that expresses the given sentence in indirect speech.

She said to him, “May God shower His choicest blessings on you!


She wished that God might shower His choicest blessings on him.


She wished that God might shower His choicest blessings on you.


She wished that God may shower His choicest blessings on you.


She wished that may God shower your choicest blessings on Him.


In the below table, we are sharing how tense changes into Indirect speech.

Direct Speech

Indirect Speech

Present simple

 (Subject +V1st + Object)

Past simple

(Subject +V2 + Object)

Present continuous

 (Subject +is/am/are+V1 +ing+ Object)

Past Continuous

(Subject +was/were+V1 +ing+ Object)

Present perfect

(Subject + has/have+V3+Object)

Past perfect


Past simple


Past perfect


Past Continuous

(Subject +was/were+V1 +ing+ Object)

Past perfect continuous

(Subject +had been+V1 +ing+ Object)

Future simple

(Subject+ will/shall+V1+object)

Present Conditional

(Subject+ would+V1+object)

Future Continuous

(Subject +will/shall+be+V1 +ing+ Object)

Conditional Continuous

(Subject +would+be+V1 +ing+ Object)