English » Active/Passive Voice

Select the option that expresses the given sentence in passive voice.

She is holding free classes for the poor.


The poor are holding free classes for her.


Free classes are being held for the poor by her.


Free classes have been held for the poor by her.


Free classes are being held by the poor for her.


option B is right according to the rules which is,

Active and Passive Voice Rules for Present Continuous Tense

Below we will explain the Rules of Active and Passive Voice with examples for Present Continuous tense.

Active Voice

Passive Voice

(Auxiliary Verb- is/am/are + being)

Subject + is/am/are+ v1+ ing + object

Object+ is/am/are+ being+ V3+ by + subject

Subject + is/am/are+ not+ v1+ ing+ object

Object + is/am/are+ not + being+V3+ by Subject

Is/am/are+ subject+v1+ing + object+?

Is/am/are + Object+ V3+ by subject +?