English » Para jumbles

Sentences of a paragraph are given below in jumbled order. Arrange the sentences in the correct order to form a meaningful and coherent paragraph.

A. Firstly, it provides air for respiration, serves the sense of smell and conditions the air by filtering, warming and moistening it.
B. The nose is the prominent structure between the eyes that serves as the entrance to the respiratory tract.
C. For inhalation it has two cavities, separated from one another by a wall of cartilage called the septum.
D. Apart from filtering the air, it also cleans itself of foreign debris extracted from inhalations.










optio  B BADC is the correct answer.

B is a introductory sentence and hence should come at first place.

now A has the word Firstly in it which makes it come at the place just after the introduction

D in which we have apart from ( indicates we have already mentioned something before and now this one is complementary) so it should come just after A

and C is an independent sentence and suits at last option.

hence option B is right pick.